This unit guides students through a range of camera techniques, focusing on key elements like autofocus, exposure, aperture, and blur management. The course content includes a detailed study of autofocus functionalities, controlling exposure, adjusting aperture, and dealing with motion blur. Students will participate in hands-on activities, particularly in taking action photographs, providing them an opportunity to put into practice and solidify the theories and techniques they've learned.
This segment of the course immerses students in various photography techniques and practical guides that aim to boost their creativity in photography. These instructional resources will encourage students to try out diverse styles and master the art of taking effective photographs. The expertise gained in this unit is multifaceted and can be applied in numerous creative disciplines.
This unit delves into the various facets of photography, encompassing technical, artistic, visual, and historical aspects. Students will emphasize their comprehension by replicating historical photographic works. They will also undertake research on various artists, acquiring a deeper understanding of their pivotal roles and contributions to the realm of photography.
This unit offers students an in-depth exploration into the technical, imaginative, visual, and historical dimensions of photography. A major focus will be on illustrating their understanding by recreating notable historical photographic pieces. Additionally, students will research the works of several artists, enriching their knowledge of the influential roles these artists have played in the development of photography.